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Paintings with Blues

The first permanent blue pigment was created by the Egyptians in 2200 BC using the precious stone lapis lazuli. Due to its scarcity, they ultimately turned to chemistry and created pigment by heating limestone, sand, and copper. Blue continued in the tradition of art through the impressionists and post-impressionists, like in Vincent van Gogh's classic Starry Night. From soothing, cool blue to high-energy, electric blues, Erin Hanson utilizes the color in a myriad of backdrops, and subjects and often as a contrast to vibrant yellows and blazing oranges.

The first permanent blue pigment was created by the Egyptians in 2200 BC using the precious stone lapis lazuli. Due to its scarcity, they ultimately turned to chemistry and created pigment by heating limestone, sand, and copper. Blue continued in the tradition of art through the impressionists and post-impressionists, like in Vincent van Gogh's classic Starry Night. From soothing, cool blue to high-energy, electric blues, Erin Hanson utilizes the color in a myriad of backdrops, and subjects and often as a contrast to vibrant yellows and blazing oranges.

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