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91 Holiday Gift Ideas for the Art Lover in Your Life

The Ultimate Gift Guide for Art Connoisseurs

Monday, November 20, 2023

Do you have an art lover in your life? It can be challenging to shop for people who love art. They have specific preferences and strong feelings about how art is presented and which art pieces they want in their homes.

We gathered ninety-one holiday gift ideas for art lovers, so you are sure to find something to inspire you. You can be the most popular gift-giver among your art connoisseur/artist friends and family! Read the following gift guide and gain inspiration for this holiday season.

91 Holiday Gift Ideas for the Art Lover in Your Life

Before you read our guide, we recommend you learn a little about your friend or family member. Get answers to the following questions about the intended gift recipient:

  • What is their favorite art style?
  • Who are their top five favorite artists?
  • Where do they live - and what artists/museums/galleries are local to them?

Now that you have the answers to these three questions, let's get started with the holiday gift guide.

Gifts for Art Lovers

(Collectors, Aficionados, Aesthetes, Connoisseurs, and Artists All Included)

1. Art calendar from a favorite artist

2. Art of the Day calendar

3. Coffee table book with art from their favorite artist

4. Giclée/paper print from a favorite artist

5. Canvas print from a favorite artist

6. Umbrella with printed artwork

7. Frame TV

8. Notebook or yearly planner with an artistic cover

9. Clothing or handbags inspired by a favorite artist

10. Etsy gift card

11. Gift card to a store that carries local artists

12. Art piece from a local artist

13. Handmade jewelry

14. Jigsaw puzzle of a favorite painting

15. Mug inspired by a favorite artist

16. Throw blanket/pillow with a favorite piece of art on it

17. Tote bag with favorite art printed on it

18. Gift from a local art museum gift shop

19. Art museum membership

20. Tickets to see a local performance

21. Tickets to see a local art exhibition

22. Trip to see an art exhibition

23. Trip to a local gallery for an opening or a show

24. Tickets to see a favorite artist speak or create art live

25. Trip to a local art/craft fair (where you are buying)

26. Excursion to a flea market or antique shop

27. Membership to a local garden with an art installation

28. Excursion to visit all of the art installations in your town/city

29. Phone case with a favorite piece of art on it

30. Excursion to a meet and greet with a favorite artist

31. Gift card to an art gallery or local art shop

32. Dinnerware featuring a favorite piece of art

33. Artsy candles

34. Artsy jewelry

35. Cards featuring a favorite artist

36. Gift card from a frame shop

37. Take them to a frame shop to frame a piece they already own

38. An artistic or handmade catchall dish

39. Ornaments featuring a favorite piece of art

40. Fun art socks

Gifts for Serious Art Collectors

41. Textured Replica

42. Original art piece

43. Petite painting from a favorite artist

44. Artwork commissioned from a favorite artist

45. Art palette from a favorite artist - bonus points if the palette is matched with a painting that the collector owns

46. Sketch from a favorite artist

47. A sculpture from a favorite artist

48. Jewelry or other wearable created by a favorite artist

49. Gallery opening excursion

50. Tickets to travel with a favorite artist

51. Trip to "follow in the footsteps" of a favorite artist

52. Trip to the location of a favorite art piece

53. Tickets to tour the home of a famous artist

54. Trip to an art auction -- where you are buying

55. Trip to an art festival or fair

56. Meet and greet with a local artist

57. A consultation with an interior decorator

58. Throws that match or accent their favorite pieces

59. Art trinkets or mini sculptures

Gifts for Emerging Artists

60. An art studio refresh (replacing used/battered tools and upgrading them with something of the same or better quality.)

61. Tickets to an art lecture or live art exhibition

62. Help with setting up their first exhibition

63. Covering a monthly expense so they can afford the fees to show their art at a local fair

64. Replacing any used-up items in their art studio

65. Studio space rental

66. Travel watercolor kit

67. A pack of their favorite sketch pads

68. Fresh set of sketching tools

69. Fresh set of tools they usually skimp on, like pencil sharpeners or brush cleaning equipment

70. An electric eraser

71. Ten hours of your time as their assistant - brush cleaning, paint mixing, studio sweeping, tool fetcher, accomplishing any task they need done

72. Art dice or art decks for inspiration

73. Meal service to help them stay focused on creating art

74. Art tool organizer

75. Inspirational or instructional art books

76. Camera upgrades (new lenses, new camera, spare battery packs, or other upgrade item)

77. Travel kit upgrade (art bag clean out, upgraded travel tools, new art bag with space for all necessary tools, etc)

78. Hand massager

79. Beautiful journal or notebook

80. A set number of hours that you will dedicate to helping them set up, tear down, or sit at a booth during an art festival or fair

81. Pretty pens

82. Stonewashed apron with lots of pockets

83. Masterclass membership or prepaid art classes

84. All-expenses-paid tour with (or classes from) a favorite artist

85. Inspiration excursion

86. Water tumbler with a lid so they can't accidentally put their paintbrush in it

87. Restock any disposables they use while making their art

88. Updated iPad

89. Membership for music or audiobook streaming service

90. Framed artwork

91. Framing service for their artwork

Are you feeling inspired? Do you have an idea for the perfect gift? Great! Explore the site here if you plan to get an Erin Hanson piece for your friend or loved one. If you want a book/calendar/paper print, click here. Otherwise, give your idea a quick web search to find the best gift options for you! Happy shopping!

About Erin

ERIN HANSON has been painting in oils since she was 8 years old. As a teenager, she apprenticed at a mural studio where she worked on 40-foot-long paintings while selling art commissions on the side. After being told it was too hard to make a living as an artist, she got her degree in Bioengineering from UC Berkeley. Afterward, Erin became a rock climber at Red Rock Canyon, Nevada. Inspired by the colorful scenery she was climbing, she decided to return to her love of painting and create one new painting every week.

She has stuck to that decision, becoming one of the most prolific artists in history, with over 3,000 oil paintings sold to eager collectors. Erin Hanson’s style is known as "Open Impressionism" and is taught in art schools worldwide. With millions of followers, Hanson has become an iconic, driving force in the rebirth of impressionism, inspiring thousands of other artists to pick up the brush.