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Granville Redmond: A Study of Light and Color

The Profile of a California Landscape Painter

Monday, April 11, 2016

Granville Redmond was a turn of the century painter who specialized in Californian landscapes. In doing so, he captured the intense colors and textures found all around this state, while celebrating the differences light can bring to a palette. To give a little history, Granville S. Redmond was born in Philadelphia back in 1871 and became deaf due to scarlet fever at only two years old. He overcame this impediment and moved to California where he attended the California School of Design and later studied in France and under other Californian artists.

Redmond’s work captures the hush that occurs during a California twilight. Other paintings explored the bright colors that speckle the rolling hills and coastlines of the Sunshine State. He studied the way sunlight dances across waves and brings vibrancy to wildflowers. Redmond’s techniques incorporated tonalism and, later, impressionism. These influences make his paintings an examination of the light and color in a scene, while still celebrating the scene itself. 

Palos Verdes  by Granville Redmond Hills of Color by Granville Redmond           

Palos Verdes  by Granville Redmond
Hills of Color by Granville Redmond

While Granville Redmond’s work has similarities to Matisse, Monet and Pizarro, his study of light and color provides inspiration to local California landscape artists like Erin Hanson. The vibrancy of his work, coupled with the dramatic influence of sunlight and weather on each painting contributes to the feeling that you are a participant in every piece.

Erin Hanson not only works to capture the light in one specific moment of time, the vibrancy of color in her impressionistic paintings allows a viewer to become transported to the California landscape she is depicting. Redmond did the same, especially when you look at his later work, which are a more impressionistic exploration of color and light. 

Erin Hanson painting Sweep of Wildflowers Erin Hanson painting Clouds Over Paso II

Sweep of Wildflowers by Erin Hanson
Clouds Over Paso II by Erin Hanson

Artists like Granville Redmond paved the way for artists like Erin Hanson to capture snippets of time and place in California landscapes. From trees to flower-filled vistas, from ocean shores to lakefronts, these artists capture the diversity and beauty of the California countryside.

To explore Erin Hanson’s work, visit her portfolio here. To view more of Granville Redmond's works, view his gallery here




About Erin

ERIN HANSON has been painting in oils since she was 8 years old. As a teenager, she apprenticed at a mural studio where she worked on 40-foot-long paintings while selling art commissions on the side. After being told it was too hard to make a living as an artist, she got her degree in Bioengineering from UC Berkeley. Afterward, Erin became a rock climber at Red Rock Canyon, Nevada. Inspired by the colorful scenery she was climbing, she decided to return to her love of painting and create one new painting every week.

She has stuck to that decision, becoming one of the most prolific artists in history, with over 3,000 oil paintings sold to eager collectors. Erin Hanson’s style is known as "Open Impressionism" and is taught in art schools worldwide. With millions of followers, Hanson has become an iconic, driving force in the rebirth of impressionism, inspiring thousands of other artists to pick up the brush.